Multi Commodity exchange provide a free commodity charting tool in it's website, known as MCX ACT.This is a web based technical analysis chart.It contains 3 types of data : Expired commodity futures contracts, unexpired contracts,and index charts.We can analyse the charts of listed agri commodities and Metals in MCX.User can check Line chart or candlestick chart in the 'Price style' section. We can view nd evaluate intraday or historical price movement. Intraday chart is available in multiple time frames. Trader should give time interval in minutes.Suggested time frames for day traders are 5 minutes and 15 minutes.Periods in the Historical charts include daily,weekly,monthly or yearly time frames. You can also load major technical indicators such as EMA,Bollinger band,RSi,Parabolic this chart.Trendlines and Cross hairs are also applicable. ...
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